'666 Roadster

This is a poem I wrote about a good friend when he was hanging on to life.He died six months later. I love you Jim.

'666 Roadster

He gave up
Took the fast lane
Dropped the car into fifth
Crash and Burn
Kamikaze to hell
Paralyzed and rotting
afraid to live
now he'll never be the same

I'm afraid I'm in the driver's seat now
Trying to drive up hill
car still in low gear
afraid the accelerator may stick
I want so bad to turn around
will I ever be the same
drop it down
don't fucking turn
gone too far to give up now

Drugstore cowboy
with a fix and a rig
he gave up
took the fast lane
dropped the shifter all the way down
blew up the highway
Crash and Burn
Kamikaze to hell
fucking paralyzed
now he'll never be the same
screaming with a needle in his vein
"till death us do part"